Instructions for authors
Upon Submission
After acceptation
Manuscripts must be written with the MathematicS In Action journal's LaTeX format available on this site, taking into account the typing instructions .
Upon Submission
How to submit an article
To submit an article, authors are invited to send to the address LaTeX and BibTeX files which respect the journal's format, and the .pdf file resulting from compilation.
Submission checklist
We ask authors to respect the following instructions when preparing their articles :
- for numbered environments, use only those avaialble in the cedram-msia.clsfile (see below)
- for internal references use the commands \label, \ref, \eqref etc of LaTeX (no manual numbering !).
- the list of bibliographic references must be placed in a specific file, in BibTeX format (extension .bib).
- in the LaTeX file (extension .tex), references to citations must use the \cite command.
- if a URL is cited, use the \url command like this : \url{}.
After acceptation
Copyright transfert
Upon acceptance of the article, one of its authors must sign the copyright transfert form and send it back to the journal secretary.
Composition Instructions
Please compose your article following these typing instructions.
Journal's LaTeX Format
The LaTeX format of MathematicS In Action contains three files downloadable on this site :
- a model LaTeX file (called sample.tex)
- a model bibliographic file (called biblio.bib)
- a class file called cedram-msia.cls
- a bst file
==> Click on the following links to get the 4 files simultaneously.
More info on the files
- The file sample.tex (in which authors may copy the body of their article) contains an example of an article showing the use of different proposed environments. these environments must not be changed. Many comments are included to explain the commands. Users must use the functionalities of LaTeX for automatic updating of internal references (\cite, \ref, etc).
- The file biblio.bib (in which authors can place the bibliography of their article) shows how to write a reference list in "BibTeX" format.
- The file cedram-msia.cls must not undergo any changes or alterations. It must be put as is in the same directory as the article and the bibliography.
Remark : the file sample.tex requires the AMS font package, as indicated in the comment lines. this package is available on the AMS website. The system is conceived to be used with pdflatex, to produce directly a PDF : All image formats must be compatible (do not use tolls such as PStricks, psfrag, etc.).
To obtain a file "sample.pdf" from the sample.tex file, type (in this order) the following commands :
- pdflatex sample.tex
- bibtex sample.aux, or simply bibtex sample
- pdflatex sample.tex
- pdflatex sample.tex